Well, it was quite strange to think about my way of learning… I mean… When you have to study something you just do it without worrying too much about the method you use. However, reflecting on PLE I realized that it’s very important to know how to organize your own learning. This is true especially for language students: we have to practise and practise otherwise we forget; we have to pay attention to any kind of ‘input’ in order to make improvements and to keep on learning in an effective way. That’s why I find some activities really useful for my English learning: grammar and vocabulary exercises; listening practice; reading texts aloud; doing translations.
When I want to learn a new word or expression I write it down on my notebook, I check its use in the dictionary and I fix it in my memory linking it to some examples.
Of course, it’s important to attend lessons, to take part in discussions suggested by professors, and to speak with your colleagues at university.
Finally, making comparisons between my work and my peers’ one is very helpful: you can learn from mistakes and you can appreciate other styles of writing and different ideas... Very stimulating!
I’m sorry…My picture is not very good… However, I divided my mindmap in 4 macro groups called HOW, WHERE, WHO and GATHERING INFORMATION.
I hope u are able to read something!
Bye bye
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