Also this time I had to spend some hours in front of my computer to understand what the purpose of this e-tivity was and to explore the new website del.icio.us but in the end it was a real pleasure!
I think that social bookmarking is the most useful tool we’ve seen up to now for our English language learning and searches: we can easily look for everything we are interested in! It’s great! I appreciate the ‘social’ aspect of this e-tivity… I like the idea of sharing my favourite websites and blogs with other people, especially with you! Moreover, the short description we gave to each website is very useful and important because in this way we can immediately know their topic and structure.
I really enjoyed searching for the web pages to add to my bookmarks and exploring the websites selected by my peers… We all primarily chose sites related to English learning and looked for tags such as English learning, bloggingenglish, listening activities, English literature and so on...
I found the site suggested by Alberto very interesting and funny. It provides slang expressions and gives their definitions, examples and origins... A large number of them is very strange but I think this site can be useful if you want to know informal words and colloquial language.
Thanks to the blogosphere we can learn English online... That's why I had a look at Englisch-hilfen site chosen by Cla83: we can learn rules, do exercises, tests or just have fun playing games.
Another website I found helpful is about writing phrases for commercial letters suggested by Claudiatri. Here we find expressions related to technical and specific commercial language. How to begin and to end a letter is no longer a problem!
Among the websites chosen by Alessandra I took a look at Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary site; it provides definitions and pronunciations of many words.
I always had difficulties in listening activities... Now I can improve my skills thanks to the interesting website suggested by Serena: I explored VOAnews site and I listened to some audio files and radio transcripts... They can really help me! Moreover, I can learn something more about current events... Fantastic!
Well, social bookmarking is great... It's like creating our own online bookshelf, isn’t it?
That’s all for now,
C u soon!
Bye bye
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