sabato 3 novembre 2007


Hello GROUP D!
I am Laura, a new member in your group…I just visited your blogs…they are all really nice!!!

As far as the use of Bloglines is concerned I can only thank Sarah for having put the video with the directions… I can’t attend the lessons in the lab on Wednesdays because of other lessons in the same hours and when I read in our blog the explanation of what feeds and feed aggregators were, I got into a panic! Only after having checked out the video the things got easier and easier!
Thanks to Bloglines we can immediately know on a single page if our peers’ blogs have been updated! It’s fantastic! This kind of technology allows us to organize information in a good and nice way…that’s why I think it’s a very useful and time-saving tool… This is very important for me because my computer is old and the Internet connection is really slow!

Also this time we have learnt something interesting and new…thank you Bloglines, thank you Sarah!

4 commenti:

Serena Santi ha detto...

Hi Laura!
Your blog is very nice too! I heard some other students that cannot attend lab lessons and were a bit scared of e-tivity 4 because according to them the instructions where not very clear or simple. But after having watched the video they told me all seemed much easier. You've just given me another proof!

Alberto ha detto...

Hi, Laura!
Welcome in our bright group!
I agree; Bloglines lets us save our time and fortunately, it's easy to the beginning, I was scared too!
Technology will never cease to amaze me!

See you!

Claudia ha detto...

Hi Laura,
I know what you mean, I couldn't attend the lesson too, but as you said the video was really useful!
When technology helps you to save time and energy, you feel more motivated to learn!

see you next Monday

Claudia Trivellato ha detto...

Hi Laura!
I read that you were not in class last week and that thanks to the video you managed to do!!